4 Quotes & Sayings By Ray Simpson

Ray Simpson is a registered psychologist, educator, and life coach. He was the first President of the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and is currently the CEO of the ICF. He has taught at various universities throughout Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Hong Kong, Japan, and the United States. He is the author of two books: The Psychology of Leading Change and Leadership Agility.

Contemplative prayer is natural, unprogrammed; it is perpetual openness to...
Contemplative prayer is natural, unprogrammed; it is perpetual openness to God, so that in the openness his concerns can flow in and out of our minds as he wills. Ray Simpson
Frequently we do not leave the past behind. We clasp...
Frequently we do not leave the past behind. We clasp on to it. We dissect it, and let fears for the future, tempered by the past, unconsciously prevent us from taking up the task eternal. Ray Simpson
Many questing young people and stressed older people nowadays seek relaxation through meditation. They look for it in Hindu, Buddhist and other Eastern religions. They are often surprised to learn that there is such a way within the Christian tradition, a way that is known as contemplation. Ray Simpson